Ogden Senior Pictures || Ogden Photographer

From the Ogden Botanical Gardens to reflective shots at Antelope Island, the Ogden area has a wide variety of locations that allow High School Seniors to showcase their hobbies, interests and (my personal favorite) themselves. For my shoot with Skye, we went with a park downtown and to her most favorite place in the world… the pool. Skye has been a competitive swimmer for Weber High School, was the editor of the yearbook (hopefully I don’t have any typos!) and had a great sense of style… We even had the same ring and shoes :)

My time with Skye was great. Her upbeat personality was infectious and I genuinely had a wonderful time taking her senior portraits.


To schedule your senior pictures, please drop me a note by clicking the button below and I’ll get back to you within the next 24-48 hours. Can’t wait!!